Cityvarasto’s board

The Board is responsible for the company’s strategic development, and it controls and guides the company’s business operations and management. In accordance with the Articles of Association and the Limited Liability Companies Act, it is the Board’s duty to represent the company and take care of organising appropriate accounting and financial management. The Board is also responsible for defining the company’s mission and values. 

Ville Stenroos

Chairman of the Board

Board member since 1999 born in 1973, Finnish citizen M.Sc (tech) Cityvarasto Oyj Managing Director, Founder and Main Owner Serial entrepreneur, more than 20 years of experience in the management of companies.


Martin Nes

Board member

Board member since 2020 Born in 1969, Norwegian citizen Law degree from the University of Oslo, Master of Laws degree from the University of Southampton, UK Ferncliff TIH AS Managing Director Board member or chairman of several listed companies. Operated as the chairman of the Board for Self Storage Group ASA 2016-2020. Extensive experience in business and international operations in various business areas, companies and Board-related work. 

Matti Heiskanen

Board member

Board member since 1999 Born in 1974, Finnish citizen M.Sc (tech) Cityvarasto Oyj’s Deputy Managing Director, Founder and Owner Board member in several companies.

Investor contacts

Cityvarasto investor connections
Ville Stenroos
  • Chief executive officer, Founder, Main Owner
  • puhelinumero+358 29 123 4747
Cityvarasto investor connections
Matti Leinonen