Cityvarasto Oyj

Cookie consent - how do we use cookies

Cookie consent

Cookie consent describes how Cityvarasto uses cookies. By using the site and by accepting this policy you will give permission to Cityvarasto use cookies in accordance this Cookie consent.

A cookie is a text file that web servers send to web browsers and which are stored in web browser. It is used to store information about your usage on our website and remember the choices you make, for example, the information you enter on the form. Only the site that the cookie has been saved can read it. The text file can not contain any virus and is not harmful.

There are two main types of cookies:

  • Session cookies will disappear as soon as the browser is closed.
  • Permanent cookies will remain stored on your computer until they are deleted or expire.

How do we use cookies?

We are constantly developing our site and collecting information about different ways of using our site. We use Google Analytics, as well as Hotjar, to analyze use of our website. The Google Privacy Policy is available at and the Hotjar Privacy Policy at

We also use cookies to make targeted advertising on Google and Facebook. Here is how to manage Facebook adverts: from here.

Cookies are also used to keep products in your shopping cart or when you sign up to the My Account section on our web site.

You can prevent cookies from being saved

You can prevent cookies from being saved by changing your browser's security settings. In that case, please note that you may not be able to use all the functions of our web site.

For more information about cookies and the safe use of online services, please visit FICORA's website..

For more information about browser-based advertising, see Your Online Choices-pages.