Jyväskylä, Seppälä

  • Postal codeAhjokatu 12, 40320 Jyväskylä
  • Customer service 029 123 4714
  • Email address info@cityvarasto.fi
Rent a storage space
Transaction times

Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.

Clear height

You can access the yard storage with a max. 2.3-metre-high vehicle.

Storage unit types

1 - 15m² self storages, 1 - 6m² cage storages and 1m³ cubic storages.

Additional services

Hand trucks and four-wheel trolleys are freely available to be used by our customers.

Services at site

Cityvarasto - self-storage rental

Self storage rental

Rent a self storage or cubic storage for your goods at Cityvarasto in Seppälä, Jyväskylä

PakuOvelle.com van from Cityvarasto

Van rental

This location features PakuOvelle.com pick-up and drop-off. Self-service vehicles are available 24/7.

Current offers

All locations
Storage for €1

All self-storage units, cubic storage units and meshnet storage units


€1 for the first month

Minimum rental period: 2 months. The first 2 months’ period is paid upon rental.

Tilat: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 / 6,0,14 / Jyväskylä

Serving you at this location

  • Site manager Jyväskylä
  • Customer service
  • Phone no.029 1234 714