Oulu, Alppila

  • Postal codeKaarnatie 24, 90530 Oulu
  • Customer service 029 123 4708
  • Email address info@cityvarasto.fi
Rent a storage space
Transaction times

Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.

Clear height

Access with a max. 3-metre-high vehicle

Storage unit types

1 - 15m² self storages, 1m³ cubic storages and Citycontainers and offices

Additional services

Hand trucks, pallet jacks and four-wheel trolleys are freely available to be used by our customers.

Services at site

Cityvarasto - self-storage rental

Self storage rental

Rent a self storage, cubic storage or City container for your goods from Cityvarasto in Alppila, Oulu

PakuOvelle.com van from Cityvarasto

Van rental

This location features PakuOvelle.com pick-up and drop-off. Self-service vehicles are available 24/7.

Cityvarasto vuokraa toimitila

Rent of business premises

We rent out business premises for all kinds of purposes in different parts of Finland. We offer for example business premises, warehouse spaces, production spaces, winter storage spaces, and band space.

Current offers

All locations
Storage for €1

All self-storage units, cubic storage units and meshnet storage units


€1 for the first month

Minimum rental period: 2 months. The first 2 months’ period is paid upon rental.

Tilat: 1,2,4,5,8,12,17,19 / 0 / Oulu

Serving you at this location

  • Site manager Oulu
  • Customer service
  • Phone no.029 1234 746