Offers for companies

On this page, you can find valid company-only offers. In addition to self storages, we rent to companies e.g. premises, office rooms, mailboxes. See all our services for business customers here.

Mover’s benefits

As Cityvarasto’s customer, you can also utilise our partners’ offers. You will get good benefits and discounts for e.g. hiring vans, hiring removal boxes or acquiring a comprehensive removals service.

Being a Cityvarasto customer is worthwhile

No hidden costs or opening fees!

As Cityvarasto’s customer, you only pay monthly rent for the storage unit. We do not charge a deposit, opening fees or lock expenses.

10€ Cityseteli credit

Everyone who rents a storage unit via our website will be provided with a Cityseteli credit of 10€, which can be used to hire a van.

Billing benefit

You will be offered the billing benefit by paying 12 months’ rent at once for the storage unit in advance. You will save up to 10% per year.

Recommend us benefit

Recommend us to your friend, collegue etc. Find your own personal code from here my account service.

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