List of all locations in capital area
Espoo, Kivenlahti
Ruukinmestarintie 5-7, 02330 Espoo
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage, Van rental
Espoo, Laajalahti
Kirvuntie 22, 02140 Espoo
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage
Espoo Leppävaara
Vallikallionkatu 7,
029 123 4700
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Van rental, Office rental
Espoo, Nihtisilta
Nihtisillankuja 5, 02630 Espoo
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage
Espoo, Niittykumpu
Taivalmäki 9, 02200 Espoo
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage, Van rental, Office rental, Business Center
Espoo, Espoon keskus
Kamreerintie 10,
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage
Helsinki, Herttoniemi
Kirvesmiehenkatu 10, 00810 Helsinki
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage, Van rental, Office rental
Helsinki, Jakomäki
Jakomäentie 1A (sisäänkäynti luiskatie 3:n kautta),
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage, Van rental, Office rental
Helsinki, Kaartinkaupunki
Unioninkatu 10, 00130 Helsinki
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage
Helsinki, Konala
Hankasuontie 6, 00390 Helsinki
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage, Office rental
Helsinki Malmi
Malminkaari 10,
029 123 4700
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage, Van rental
Helsinki, Metsälä
Läkkisepänkuja 7, 00620 Helsinki
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage, Van rental
Helsinki, Oulunkylä
Kylänvanhimmantie 29, 00640 Helsinki
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. The parking garage’s sectional door opens for our customers by calling the number on the door.
- Services: Self storage
Helsinki, Pasila
Maistraatinportti 4 A,
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage
Helsinki, Pitäjänmäki
Karvaamokuja 6, 00380 Helsinki
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage, Van rental, Office rental
Helsinki, Roihupelto
Levytie 2-4,
029 123 4700
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage, Office rental
Helsinki, Töölö
Humalistonkatu 5 , 00250 Helsinki
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage
Helsinki, Vuosaari
Vuotie 45, 00980 Helsinki
029 123 4709
The storage is open on Mon-Sat at 7 am - 10 pm, Sun 9 am - 10 pm (on public holidays according to Shopping Centre Kolumbus’ opening hours)
- Services: Self storage
Vantaa, Kaivoksela
Vetokuja 4, 01610 Vantaa
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage, Store / Packing supplies, Van rental, Office rental, Business Center
Vantaa, Koivuhaka
Kukonharja 3, 01300 Vantaa
029 123 4700
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage
Vantaa, Varisto
Martinkyläntie 43, 01720 Vantaa
029 123 4709
Self-service storage: you can visit your storage every day between 5.30 am - 12.00 am. You can enter at the storage office’s main entrance by calling the number indicated on the door.
- Services: Self storage, Van rental, Office rental